
Thursday, 3 January 2013

Closing Entry

Last post..

I would like to thank to our lecturer, Madam Nor Shahniza Kamal Bashah for being such a wonderful lecturer to us, and teach us for subject web technology. I want to apologize to madam if I made a mistake.Sorry madam if I have hurt you, directly or indirectly. I hope that, you will 'halal' all the knowledge that you gave us. Kindly, please pray for us, madam.

This is poem with you madam..

Sunshine with an open eye,
And I say hello to the wind of a new day,
The wind whispers something to me,
And slowly feeling the one..
Who sacrificed, quietly and patiently...
For we be by day..

Thank you for my lecturer,
You hold me on your shoulder,
And fly me like a kite,
You hold me by your hands,
And raise me with your might..

You inspire we with love,
Of knowledge and truth,
As light that you burn,
Bring us an ocean of love....

Thanks a lot madam to teach us...


OWL is stand for Ontology Web Language. OWL is a set of markup languages which are designed for use when the information contained in documents needs to be processed by applications. OWL describes the hierarchical of ideas in a domain, in a way that can be parsed and understood by software. OWL has more facilities for expressing meaning and semantics than XML and RDF. OWL is the meaning of terms in vocabularies and the relationships between those terms.
In OWL there are three languages which are OWL Lite, OWL DL, OWL Full.

OWL Lite
OWL Full
  • Need a classification hierarchy and simple constraints.
  • Cardinality values 0 and 1

  • More complex than Lite
  • Increase in hierarchical tree
  • User want maximum expressiveness and all computation will finish in finite time

  • More complex than lite and DL
  • User want maximum expressiveness and syntax freedom
  • No computation guarantee

.Doa-doa menghadapi peperiksaan.


I want to share with you about do'a. 

  • Doa agar diberi kefahaman yang baik dan ingatan yang sempurna sewaktu menelaah mata pelajaran

(Allahummar zuqna, fahom nabiyyiina, wa hifzaal mursaliin, wa 'ilhaamal malaikatiil muqarrabbin, fii 'aafiyaati, ya Arhamar raahimiin)

Maksudnya:"Wahai Tuhanku, kurniakanlah kami fahaman nabi-nabi dan hafalan para rasul serta mendapat ilham dari para malaikat yang hampir denganMu, juga kurniakanlah kami kesihatan Wahai Tuhan Yang Amat Pengasih"

  • Doa sebelum masuk dewan

(Wa hai yi' lanaa min amrinaa rashadaa)
Maksudnya"Ya Allah, persiapkan kami mengenai dengan urusan kami dengan petunjukMu)"

  • Doa sewaktu lupa semasa menjawab soalan

(Subhaa na man laa ya naa mu wa laa yas huu Allahumma zakkirnii maa nasiit) (3x)

Maksudnya:"Maha Suci Tuhan yang tidak pernah tidur dan tidak pernah lalai, Wahai Tuhanku, ingatkanlah aku apa-apa yang aku lupa)".

  • Doa memohon kejayaan
(Dibaca sebelum tidur setiap hari sehingga keputusan peperiksaan diumumkan.)
(Allahumma inni as-alukal fauza 'indal qadhaii wa manaazilasy syuhada wa 'ai syas su 'a da' wan nasra alaal a'daa')

Maksudnya:"Ya Allah Kami memohon kejayaan dalam setiap ketentuan, tempat para syuhada' dan kehidupan orang-orang bahagia serta kemenangan mengatasi musuh".

  • Doa kuatkan ingatan dan tidak mudah lupa
(Amalkan surah Al Israa' ayat 70. Masa Baca ayat tersebut letakkan tangan atas kepala)

Maksudnya:"Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah memuliakan anak-anak Adam; dan Kami telah beri mereka menggunakan berbagai-bagai kenderaan di darat dan di laut; dan Kami telah memberikan rezeki kepada mereka dari benda-benda yang baik-baik serta Kami telah lebihkan mereka dengan selebih-lebihnya atas banyak makhluk-makhluk yang telah Kami ciptakan."


 Good luck to all my friend. Do the best your final exam..

What is servlet and Java Server Page(JSP)?

Assalamualaikum..Hai everyone..

Servlet is a simple programming written in java language which runs on server side.
JSP stands for JavaServer Pages. JSP is translated into Java servlet before being run, and it processes HTTP requests and generates responses like any servlet. JSP use java and html mixture with javascript.

Servlet Life Cycle

There have three phases which are initialization, service and destruction.

(happen only one) When a container loads, a servlet it invokes the init() before servicing any request
Service Client Request
Server invokes service() method to do request and response
(happen only one) When servlet going to remove the memory, it invoke the method destroy()

Advantages of servlet

        Request received by servlet container is loaded into memory and assign thread
        New thread of the same servlet is created if more request for the same servlet is received
        make the overall processing faster
          Stable environment and easy to deploy since servlet is executed inside a container
          Inherit all good features of the java programming language